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« D Day | Main | Pecans and Pumpkins »

November 22, 2005



I would like a pumpkin pie please!!! ;)


Well hey, as long as you're offering! ;) Can we place orders?! LOL

Good luck with your busy, productive day!

Kelly Edgerton

I'll take a pie, since you are being generous with your offer :-)

I'm glad that you will be able to get a TKD session in this week. It's always difficult during the holidays.

Enjoy your most busy, and oh so productive day.


I do, I do...I want a pie!!!
I'll bet your pies are awesome. Have fun baking!
I'm going to be starting the cookie factory very soon in the Kenney kitchen. I love it!
Molasses cookies with icing, snickerdoodles, peanutbutter cookies... yum yum!!
Let the baking begin!! : )

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