Got tagged again...there's a lot of this going on lately. I don't mind but from what I've read in blogville, some people do, so if I put your name down, feel free to ignore me!
The rules for this particular tagging are as follows: Remove the blog name in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add yourself to the bottom slot.
Then you get to select five people to pass the love on to.
Kelly Edgerton
Danielle Catalano-Titus
Anna Aspenes
Shabby Princess
Elizabeth Ruuska
Here are the questions.
What were you doing 10 years ago?
Working and living in London - living a "Sex in the City" girl lifestyle without the sex!
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Pretty much the same as now...painting, scrapping, taking pictures, taekwondo training. Exactly one year ago today, we were skiing in Vail.
Five snacks you enjoy (in no particular order, as all snacks are created equal):
1) Chips and Salsa
2) Popcorn
3) Potato Chips
4) Chips and Salsa
5) Chips and Salsa
Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics:
1) Everything by Tim McGraw
2) Everything by Toby Keith
3) Everything by Jimmy Buffet
4) The Michigan Fight Song, of course
5) All lyrics to all Andrew Lloyd Weber musicals
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1) Pay off the house and remodel it just the way I want it
2) Have a home in London
3) Sell the $#%$#@$% Jeep
4) Invest like Jim Kramer on acid
5) Help some friends in financial need
Five bad habits:
1) Eat too much
2) Sit too much
3) Swear too much
4) Spend too much
5) Procrastinate too much
Five things you like doing:
1) Sing
2) Scrap
3) Sports
4) Snap photos
5) See friends and family
Five things you would never wear, buy, or get again:
1) another Zaring home
2) another Jeep Liberty
3) high waisted jeans
4) business suits
5) Maternity clothes ;-)
Five favorite toys:
1) cameras
2) laptop
3) DVR
4) Kitchen Aid Mixer
5) wide format printer
First time you got kissed: How was it? I was 16 and it was my first boyfriend. Well, Billy Knaggs stole a kiss from me behind the world map in the forth grade, but it wasn't mutual, so it didn't count as far as I was concerned. Gross!
First time you drove a car: What kind of car? Driver's Ed - I was 16.
First time you scrapbooked: When I was 12 - do the math on how long ago that was!
First time you went on a date: I don't remember! That's pretty lame, isn't it. I know it wasn't before I was 16.
First time you fell in love: Again, age 16. See first date and first kiss.
First time you cooked for someone: I was probably 12 or so. My mom worked second shift, so I cooked dinner for my family a lot in the evenings.
First time you got on a plane: I was 17 and on my way to Mexico for foreign exchange.
First time you shaved your legs: Probably at age 3 or something. I"m a dark brunette, remember?
First time you put on make up: don't remember.
First time you moved out of your home: I was 17 and living in San Luis Potosi' Mexico on foreign exchange.