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July 07, 2006



I'm sorry about Jerry/i, Barb. :( We've lost 2 cats in the past year (and about a dozen or so named caterpillars), so we've had our share of grief here. Have you thought about a cat? Low maintenance, and they live to be ancient. The wiener dog idea sounds cool, though. I've also been considering a turtle--of course, then the kids would be trying to figure out which of *their children to leave it to. :) -J


Oh man, I'm so not looking forward to times like this! We have four pets - 3 dogs and a cat that we've had since the kids were little. I'm scared that our Cattle Dog is on his last legs, but I just can't imagine losing him! I'm so sorry you all are having such a challenging time with your pets! It's soooo hard!


Barb- as sad as I feel for S I couldn't help but laugh at your writing style and humor through it all...we too have lost many a "pet"...goldfish, numerous hermit crabs that did NOT want to come home from Hilton Head in a cold air conditioned car, and many a gerbil....many funerals took place in our back yard of our old house....
Gotta love these sweet and tender hearted girls we've got. : )


awww... sweet thing. that's so hard. i had a dwarf hamster named daisy... and when they came to spray the house for "bugs/rodents/anything of the sort", she "coincidentally" developed a crazy respiratory disease and died. my mom felt terrible because I had been out of town at the time and came back to a wheezing, pitiful miniature hamster. so my own mother unintentionally killed my daisy... :( it happens. i'm sad for shannon that she's lost so many pets already, but i think you should definitely get a "sturdier" pet. one that won't die immediately if you don't feed it or coddle it. :) or she could get a reptile. i hear they live forever. ha. just kidding.
please pass along my condolences. hey, maybe jerry/jeri is having a heck of a time in hamster heaven with my sweet daisy... :) that's a nice thought.

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