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August 11, 2006


Anna Aspnes

Wow! barb I had no idea. All four of my Grandparents died of various forms of Cancer. You're rights, it' sucks!


I am so sorry Barb. Much love to you and your family.

Jlyne Hanback


I am so sorry. Lost my dad three years ago to cancer and he never smoked a day in his life. Very unfair. A disease that doesn't discriminate. I wish you strength, love, and peace. I will pray.

Heather D. White

Wow. Definitely a reality check. Cancer is a scary thing. It seems to touch so many that are so close to us. Prayer - definitely a good thing.

Christa H.

wow- Barb- this breaks my heart...I have relatives w/ cancer too-
such a tough thing
Hugs to you my friend!

Janet Ohlson

oh MAN Barb...I'm so so sorry. We lost my dad and my mother in law to cancer within a year and you're DOES suck. HARD.

Huge HUGS to you!!

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