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August 04, 2006



I stumbled across your blog while I was in the process of doing some online research. I've heard about (and experienced) a lot of kitchen mishaps, but I have to admit I've never heard of cookie dough catching on fire; that's a definite first!


Listen here Betty Crocker, let's try not to burn down the house...
Glad you're all okay .
Love ya B.
Miss T.


my goodness barb! i don't believe i've ever seen anything on FIRE in the oven. i'd be terrified. kudos on the quick thinking for you guys. i'm glad it turned out ok... and apparently the cookies didn't turn out as badly as you thought, so that's a bonus too.


OK - I'm sitting in O'Hare waiting for yet ANOTHER delayed flight LMAO...

I can see the excitement in the Hogan house...


Love this story...I can so relate! My domestic skills are sorely lacking these days! Burning them is a good way to make them less tempting on the South Beach diet!


: ) I *heart* you... and your cooking skills too! : )


Oh my heck! Glad all is well..and Sam, you can have all the burnt cookies. :)

Janet Ohlson

uh...SCARY? Holy cow...when you come home you do it right! LOL! Glad everyone is OK.

samuel cole

making cookies is fun...I like the burnt ones that so wrong?!?! :)


Samuel Cole


Good thing your daughter saw the fire! That must have been scary! I hope the guy can fix your range for you.

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