Now this past weekend is what weekends are supposed to be all about.
Starting out on Friday, we had no plans. Andy was golfing on Friday night and wasn't going to be home until late, so Shannon and I just hung out together. Olive was still moving a bit slow, so we decided to stay home instead of going out to dinner with friends (sorry Ginger!). Around 6pm, my next door neighbor, who was also home alone, called and asked if I'd like to come over for a little wine and cheese. Well, heck YEAH! I feel like I hadn't seen her in AGES. We talked about alot of stuff and a lot of nothing....her son, who is a delightful lad and is starting to make it big on Wall Street; our home improvements and the pros and cons of home maintenance; school starting; personal relationships; and all things girlie! It was such fun and more so because it was completely unplanned.
On Saturday, I got up early and was feeling great. I started with a really great taekwondo class at 9, then came home, did a little housework, took a shower, and took Shannon to her TKD class at noon. After her class we stopped at the video store to rent some movies, then came home, where I proceeded to dig through my photo boxes for some missing pics that I wanted to get scanned. Unbelievably, I actually FOUND my photos. I'm so organized when it comes to my digital images, but when it comes to prints.....FURGEDDABOUDIT!
As I was trying to figure out what to do for dinner, our other neighbors called and invited us out to dinner with them. Well, this time we jumped at the chance. After 5:30 Mass, we met them at the Quaker Steak and Lube for dinner. What a BLAST is that place?!?!?!?!?! I think we've found our new favorite sports bar/casual restraurant for sure. Football Sundays could be really fun over there. And the "Leaded Lube-N-Ade"....well, let's just say that it's some serious ass kicking lemonade! It sure kicked mine in record time. We had SO much fun, and again, the best part was that it was all totally unplanned.
Today we woke up to glorious weather....temps in the 70's. I actually shut off the air conditioning and opened all of the windows. Well, I opened all of the windows that 1) actually open, and 2) have screens that are semi-functional. Can I just say that I can't wait for the new windows to get installed? The timing is going to be just right for fall. I really don't like air conditioning and crave fresh air, so it's way overdue.
Anyhow, I started out outside, weeding, trimming, and catching up on gardening, which has been seriously overdue thanks to the obnoxious temperatures. I hate gardening, so it felt really good to get it done and put a reign on the overgrown stuff. Later this afternoon, Andy and I decided to tackle some of the tree trimming that also needed to be done, and we finished that too! In between, I managed to get the house cleaned; get a bunch of photos scanned and photoshopped; flip through my new Creating Keepsakes, Digital Scrapbooking, and Southern Living magazines; and made a trip to the farm market for fresh veggies and corn! Tonight we're having feta turkey burgers, fresh tomatoes and corn, and sourdough bread for dinner and our friend Janet is joining us.
For once, our weekend didn't seem totally rushed, we got so much accomplished, and it was a blast!
Tomorrow, we get new gutters and downspouts. We are some WILD AND CRAZY GUYS, for sure.