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May 19, 2008



What an awesome b-day gift! I love all all those little technological gadget like that. It's just amazing the things that they can pull off! Sounds like you got a good workout over the weekend. :)


Never in a million years would I have ever guessed that I'd be a techie junkie, but I am. Even though I have no idea what half the stuff is or does, I just want it all. And I feel the same way when I enter the Apple Store ... it's like I died and went to Heaven. And I don't even have a Mac! Yet. Still working on convincing my husband!

Robin L

WOW Id be in heaven if I worked there, except I dont always know the correct term for a part so its usually "I need this part that connects to the thingy booper that keeps all my scrap booking stuff on" LOL Radi Shack workers see me coming and they RUN lol Sounds as if you had a great weekend. My husband would never let me use power tools with him near by, I just use them when he aint home.


Wow, sounds like an awesome birthday gift. I'm just hoping to get a bag to cart my laptop around in. lol. No mmore gardening for me until I kill off the posion oak in the back yard. It looks like it's just about everywhere.
Hope you have a great day.

Jan C.

Still trying to learn to use my MacBook, here. You are totally right about the bite the Apple store products can take out of your wallet, but *dayum* sure is a fun thing to get new toys!


I would so spend my paychecks before I got them if I worked in any electronics store. I'm a gadget geek.

Sounds like you had a productive weekend. We took a lazy weekend and just had family time doing whatever since Sunday was only the 2nd day DH has had off since the end of March.

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