I know I'm not ready for school to be finished yet, but time marches on, doesn't it? I just can't believe it's May 30th already. Where does the time go? It's going to be Christmas before we know it.
A big high five to my soon-to-be-a-sixth-grader. She's had all A's for the second semester, and in the first semester, she missed all A's when she got a 89.02 in science and ended up with a B. Now I realize the grades in elementary school don't amount to much, but it still sounds really good! She also started violin this year and is doing well with that (well, she was until she broke her wrist....hopefully she'll be back to normal activities in about a week ~ yay!). Just think, in a year, it'll be off to middle school. I can't say I'm looking forward to that. Fifth grade packed enough "girl drama" to last me for a long time, and I know we're just getting started!
This is testing weekend at the taekwondo school. Shannon and I were both going to test this cycle, but again, I guess it wasn't meant to be. With her broken wrist and my bum shoulder, we're going to sit this one out. I feel like I haven't seen Ginger in forever, but she'll be there this weekend because her Scottie-2-Hottie husband is testing for his black belt ~ go Scott! Be sure to go over to Ginger's blog and send Scott some good luck (not that he needs it!). We kick testing off tonight with the little tykes and they're always hilarious!
That's it for now.....gotta get ready for work. I leave you with a little Guitar Hero this morning! I really think we need to get this one of these days......
You DO have to get Guitar Hero. We have it for the Wii and DH and I sat up all of Christmas Eve until 3am until we beat it on the easy level. I'm not a video game fan and I even like GH until my carpal tunnel starts up. Have a great weekend!
Posted by: Amanda | May 30, 2008 at 07:44 PM
You SOOO have to get Guitar Hero - too much fun (especially when i'm just observing the chaos!). my baby's going to sixth grade next year too. i still remember BEING in 6th grade - where'd the time go? enjoy the first days of summer break!
Posted by: Roxanna | May 30, 2008 at 06:01 PM
My eldest is just finishing middle school, so it's off to high school next year and I'm trying not to freak out. But I have to say, there wasn't too much drama in the middle school years - which just shocked me. So hopefully you'll have the same experience!
Posted by: Andrea | May 30, 2008 at 10:14 AM
I want to get guitar hero also and unleash my inner rock star!! LOL Have a great weekend!!
Posted by: Eve | May 30, 2008 at 09:46 AM
Perfect GH song to choose for todays post. And it's not an easy one to play. I haven't mastered it yet past the 3 notes phase. It's a cool game, I highly reccomend it.
Enjoy your weekend. Hope the weather is good for you.
Posted by: carjazi | May 30, 2008 at 07:45 AM
Guitar Hero is awesome fun. I can just picture you rocking out!
Posted by: Jan C. | May 30, 2008 at 07:29 AM