I've seen emails going around in the past few months with silly photos of pathetic victims of "Bad Olan Mills Photography". Sadly, I'm one of those victims (and no, I'm not sharing the photos). Here's some victims for you.
Five years ago the erstwhile company visited our church to take photos for a parish directory. Could the photographer have made the experience any more awkward? No, I don't think so. Bad jokes, awkward angles, bad lighting, bad poses...the whole nine yards. I think the family in the photo right must have been having their parish directory photo taken too. Look how happy they are to be there! Anyhow, the kicker was not getting our photos taken, however, but the session with the "Friendly Sales Guy" (FSG).
After waiting a while to look at our high tech online proofs, the FSG unveiled the carnage. Gross. WHY do places like this hire people who haven't a clue how to photograph women? Ugh. I'm self concious enough about my hereditary double chin (enhanced by my love of tortilla chips and margaritas) without having the photographer take some shots that make it look ten times worse than it is. Anyhow, the charming fellow proceeded to tell us about "photo enhancement". He looked me straight in the eye and said (I swear to you this is NOT an exaggeration), "For 50 dollars, we can erase those fifty extra pounds off of your face!", as if that was supposed to get me all excited and happy! I could have smacked him. I bet this lady would have smacked him too. Poor gal. And who ever sees clouds like that?
We left. Dollars spent ~ zero. We weren't the only ones that guy was rude to either. I was telling my friend
Jan about what the guy said to me and as it turns out, he made a different, but equally rude comment about their oldest son. I guess they not only hire bad photographers, but really poor sales staff as well. I mean, come ON! You just can't make insulting comments to people about their looks and then expect them to open their wallet for you. Dude.....
So we fast forward to this past week when once again we had to endure the torture of another parish directory photo shoot. This time, instead of FSG and the Comedy Central Wannabe photographer, we had a team of women. Meet Prozak Patty the Photographer and Sourpuss Sally the Sales Professional (SSSP). Ugh AGAIN.
The photographer was exceedingly annoying to me this time. Maybe it's because I'm now use to doing photo shoots of my own and needless to say, my style is a bit more easy going and relaxed. She was super high strung, super giggly, and trying way to hard to make us laugh. She was like a ping pong ball with a shutter remote. Yuck. And again, the we had to endure the bad poses, bad angles, and bad lighting. Then again, I wasn't really expecting anything different. I guess I was just hopeful. As the optimist in the family, sombody's got to be.
So we move on to the sales presentation portion of the evening with SSSP. Folks, I am not kidding you, when our first photo came up on the screen, I literally gasped out loud. I couldn't help it. It was THAT bad. Unfortunately, it was the BEST one of the bunch, and was the one that I ended up selecting for the directory. The evil chin was as bad as ever. My husband, who is a very good looking guy if I say so myself, looked like he was getting his picture taken while undergoing a colonoscopy at the same time (like the poor guy above). And my very photogenic kid had a "deer in the headlights" look on her face with EVERY shot. Oy, it was pure carnage, a quick lesson in "how to turn three decent looking people into clowns and freaks in ten short minutes and a dozen frames of digital film." And I'm sorry, there's no software program in the world that can fix that, not even for fifty bucks. SSSD must have known this, she barely glossed over the "photo enhancement" option.

The funny part was when she started showing me all of the "lovely montages" that they could create for us using multiple poses. Now I really don't want to be a snob about this, but going into detail about how creative and attractive something like
<------------------THIS is nearly cracked me up. At least that kid is cute, which is more than I can say for our photos. After all these years, they still can't grasp any simple design principles.
Then we were told about their canvas print options, which frankly sucked. They were truly the worst canvas prints I'd ever seen. Keep in mind that during the whole sales presentation, this lady sounded like a robot with a fake-peppy recording for a voice. She was obviously just going through the motions, and I can't blame her. I would be wanting to kill myself every day if I had to do her job.
Anyhow, she started scribbling down what she thought would be the perfect photo package for our lovely little family of three. Get this....
- 1 16X20 canvas print
- 3 10X13 montages (one for us, two for the grandparents)
- 3 8X10 prints
- a bazzillion 5X7s
- ten bazillion wallets
All in one package? Did I hear that right? Yes, I did. I couldn't believe it! I should have asked how much this colossal package cost, but I didn't....photo packages sponsored by Countrywide Mortgage. Instead, I just kindly told her that we weren't interested in buying any prints, at which time her head snapped around like a big twisted up rubber band. She said "Excuse me?". I repeated myself, at which time her fakey nice robot voice turned into pure ice. I had a nice black sweater on (yeah, in the summer) and I felt the chill to the bone. All she said was "your free 8X10 will be mailed" and dismissed us without a second glance, like she was Liz Taylor and we were husband number 48.

The only comment my husband had was "You should have told her to keep the freebie". Bah ha ha!
At least we're off the hook for five more years.
Thanks to
List of the Day for the photos and the laughs. Especially this one from our beloved
P-Dub. At least she isn't sporting fifty pounds of chin. But if she was, and she had fifty bucks, I would know just who to tell her to call.