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May 12, 2009


Chinese Yuan Xiao Recipe

Wow, the cooking method of this dish is great, I'll try it later and I hope it tastes the way it look. Thanks for sharing!

April Oaks

Happy Birthday!!!!

Creative Junkie

OMG- that sounds unreal!

And ... hello? Your white chicken chili recipe? Is it a state secret or something?

Lisa Dorsey

Oh that sounds soooo good! Will have to try that one!

The Mouthy Housewife

That looks amazing! I'm not a big olive fan, so I'd have to do some editing.


chili is one of my very favorite things about fall/winter! I could eat it every single day.


AWESOME! gotta try it!

Sara E

thanks for sharing your recipe....but, sorry to say, I am so not a chili fan.. I can't stand the smell, I'm such a plain jane when it comes to food
...but congratulations for having a prize winning recipe!

Jan C.

Looks yummy. The olives are a surprise, I have to say. Never thought of putting olives in chili.


TFS! My dh love chili.

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