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August 10, 2009



Oh Barb, you ruined my day (well not really but it did tweak me a little) - You'll truly be missed. Enjoy the break!

Stan at Scrappers Workshop

Creative Junkie

I'll miss you! :(

But I totally get it. I hope you come back refreshed and less stressed!


You will definitely be missed, but I'm glad you'll still be posting recipes!
Enjoy your break!


Congratz!! Hope you can enjoy your break :)


Congrats on your 5K. Just stopping by from SITS. Love your layouts below. Have a great day!

Jan C.

You and Shannon were keeping a pretty decent pace yourselves at the 5K. Wasn't it a great day for it? Slightly overcast and a super nice temperature. Allie was working at the finish line, and she said there were still a number of people who were too exhausted to carry their numbers to the booth to get logged in, so that became her job. Couple of people who upchucked along the way, too, I hear. Wonder what happens in really hot sunny weather!

And in other news . . . of course we'll miss you. What are we going to do for a laugh at 8:00 a.m.?

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