Thought I'd post some random Monday thoughts in Twitter format today, since after four days off, my brain doesn't want to process more than 140 characters at a time.
It's Opening Day
I [heart] sports, but baseball bores me. I miss the great moments of the Big Red Machine and the 1968 Tigers that I remember from when I was a kid. Pete for the Hall of Fame.
Spring Break is History
Where did we go? Nowhere. What did we do? Other than sing a lot and go to a few hockey games, nothing. Livin' large!
Mush 4 Brains
Tried to get creative yesterday and totally struggled. I got this done. I can't decide if I like it or if it's a total train wreck. Don't care either.
Haven't taken any photos in three weeks. Need to get it together and snap some sunshine. Lots of cool photo gigs in April. Love!
New Links
New posts up at Andie Smith Designs & a cool new Dare over at The Digi Dares. Go check them out!
Guest Blog
Surprise guest blog op scheduled to go live tomorrow. Hope I don't embarass myself. Check in here for updates tomorrow and a link!
You can no longer buy a $10 gift card for iTunes, the minimum is $15. WTH? Apple, you know how much I love you, but FAIL.
I have a physical this week. Too many diabetics in my family and I don't want to join them. Easter carb detox in full force.
Food - Got Your Attention!
Recipe Tuesday will be Thurs. this week. And diet Tonic Water is really yummy.
March Madness
Go Butler!
Love your fun "tweets". Can't wait to see the guest blog post!
Posted by: DawnMarch | April 06, 2010 at 01:19 AM
I also need to get back into the snapping habit. This was such a fun blog post
Posted by: Chantal | April 05, 2010 at 07:58 PM
Don't feel bad. I have barely taken photos in the last 3 months. I'm taking a break, but ready for a come back.
Love the Twitter style post! And yes, Go Butler!!
Posted by: Jeryn | April 05, 2010 at 01:06 PM