We lost my Uncle Big D today to the Big C. Big D trumps Big C any day. Big C sucks. Big D rocked my world.
On a positive note, I'm off to the Big D (as in Dallas) for a few days. I even get to hook up with my partner in photography crime, Andie Smith. Family and friends in a funtastic city. Throw in a funeral and that's a whole bunch of F-words that will end up equalling fun. Yeah, I know. It's a funeral, but we do them right in my family. A few tears, a few beers, and it's all good fun. Big D would not want us shedding a whole lot of tears unless his Ohio State Buckeyes really blow it this season (and as a big Michigan fan, I can only hope that THEY DO!).
If I've learned anything at all in this miserable excuse of a year 2010, it's that with every tragedy, there is an equal and opposite blessing. I know that Big D's passing will be no different.
So Dallas, here I come. I sure wish I had my Mike Modano Red Wings jersey to wear to the Stars/Ducks hockey game on Tuesday night. I'm supposed to be getting that for Christmas. Yeah baby.
Billy Joel had it right....Only the Good Die Young. That's the God damn truth.
Love ya Big D! You may be gone physically, but you'll always be here with me.