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August 01, 2011


Carolyn Lackey

I'm new here! The bracelet idea is awesome!!! Bravo on your new charm!!


You rock - such an inspiration. Just hit my first five on WW last Saturday - I need to set up a goal and reward system to help keep me motivated. Love your pretty bracelet, and I'm so proud of you!



Maggie  :-)

To say I am SO freaking proud of you would be an understatement.

I started WW and found it to be mind-numbingly slow, so, of course, I stopped. Idiot. (That would be me, not you who is the idiot!)

I am going back on the WW Wagon AGAIN starting on Wednesday and this go round I am going to measure myself as well - sometimes that number will be bigger than the weight loss and I've got to remember that...writes the weight loss Queen. ;-)

Congratulations on your rewards. I may have to poach that idea.


Jan C.

Really happy for you. I know how hard you work at this. You do so much more to keep fit than I do that I'm always impressed. Thirty-five pounds is a terrific result. So what if your progress is slowing down a bit--count ounces if you need to hear the numbers go up in bigger increments. All that matters in the end is that you are lighter and feel better than you did in January!

Andrea @ The Creative Junkie

So stinkin' proud of you, Barb! Way to go!

tracy f.

Awesome Barb! Thanks for inspiring me! Congrats!!

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